Fracture Spotter

The "Fracture Spotter", patented by Dr. Spott, is used to find fractured teeth. This Endodontic disposable plastic tester, is constructed to accurately reproduce the type of resilient biting force patients experience when chewing.

Why do I need the "Fracture Spotter"?

It's difficult to diagnose the cause of the discomfort in cracked teeth. Chewing can cause movement of the cracked pieces of your tooth, and the pulp within the tooth becomes irritated. Although our pictures above indicate that the crack can be seen, this is usually not the case.

The "Fracture Spotter" can duplicate the sensation of chewing on the cusp tips, one at a time and verify the diagnosis. Endodontic treatment and cusp protection of these teeth at the earliest possible stage, increases the chances for success.